Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Vol 12 Illustrations

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6 Responses to Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Vol 12 Illustrations

  1. happinezz001 says:

    it seems like a side story volume to me just like the one before lux went on his wedding trip with philluffy and who is the black skinned girl and is that coral at the last illustration or a member of the arcadia familly?


  2. acp says:

    Yeah, I think that is Coral in her true appearance


  3. Anonymous says:

    At the end of the volume Sophis falls in love with Lux? another one for the harem
    According to this volume, it is discovered that the period of the old empire, Lux, was compromised or is it the other volume?


  4. danny says:

    does yoruba wounded eye going recover or she actually lost her eye?


  5. Ohh, so Magialca Drag-Ride it’s really like a Susanoo, the fact that she don’t actually wear any part of the armor it’s weird but fresh after so many things. I love the lots of moments of the girls.


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