Sevens Volume 8 Epilogue


「Please wake up.」

It was the worst wake up from sleep.

「Please wake up, Lyle-dono.」

My body was shaken. I opened my eyes somehow and saw Sophia’s face.

She was peering into my face.

「I’m glad. You finally woke up.」

I put my hand on my face and recalled what happened inside the Jewel.

It was simply horrible.

The Third’s elusive sword and his sword art that was combined with illusion.

The Fourth’s fighting style using daggers that made use of speed.

The Fifth’s sword might be a magic tool. It split into minute parts and moved around like a whip, capturing and tearing me apart. In addition he also used magic, so I was carved apart, and then I was burned by magic many times.

The Sixth used a halberd as his weapon.

The spear that was attached with a pickaxe possessed diverse methods of attack.

The halberd that was swung around by the big bodied Sixth was completely a menace.

Perhaps the most horrible was the Seventh.

He sniped at my vital spots using a handgun.

When I ran away, my joints were shot through many times. I got shot to death many times.

I died many times inside the Jewel. And then each time I revived, my opponent would change.

I was made to fight no matter how many times I fell. I died many times until just before I woke up.

Well, it happened inside the Jewel, so I didn’t actually die for real.

「You’re sweating a lot. Do you want to use a towel?」

「Thank you.」

I borrowed a towel from Sophia and wiped my sweat.

「You had a really horrible nightmare. I was at a loss of whether to wake you up or not, but you wouldn’t wake up even when I called, so I was worried.」

That was because I was killed by horrible people.

「That much?」

「Yes. Even when Shannon-chan pinched your nose, you wouldn’t wake up.」

「──I’ll do the same thing to her when she sleeps.」

Sophia smiled wryly while covering up for Shannon.

「Please forgive her. She was worried for Lyle-dono in her own way.」

「That’s impossible. Surely it was a prank that she did happily.」

I thought that I would surely laugh if I did the same thing.

「You shouldn’t say that so easily.」

Sophia was making a troubled face.

「More importantly is there anything you need?」

When I looked around, there were only me and Sophia inside.

Porter was also not moving.

「We’re taking a break. I thought that Lyle-dono would want to be awake for it so I came to wake you up.」

Looks like I had slept for quite long.

And yet it didn’t feel like my fatigue had gone.

I felt excessively tired.

「Perhaps I’ll go outside too.」

Sophia also recommended me to go outside.

「That’ll be good. You will be surprised if you go outside. I was really surprised.」


I got curious and stood up, then I went outside.

Then, curiously Damian was outside. There was even a table taken outside where he was drinking tea.

「Oh, you finally came out.」

「It’s rare that Damian is drinking tea outside.」

「Even I have interests in other things than research.」

Lily-san was accompanying Damian and preparing tea for him.

「Will Lyle-san drink too?」

She presented a cup of tea that was filled with a lot of sugar. I shook my head.

I turned my face towards the direction where the two were looking at and opened my eyes in surprise.

Sophia said.

「Isn’t it amazing? We can see it clearly even from here.」

Far away, the free city Beim was visible.

Even though it was still really far, we could see its appearance.

We were at a high elevation, so we were looking down on it.

Abundant land that was spreading through the plains.

The large wall surrounding the huge city and also the many buildings peeking out from there were amazing.

But, the most amazing thing was──.

「This is, my first time seeing a sea.」

Sophia said happily. I also expressed my impression after hearing that.

「The sea is very vast.」

I could only say such ordinary impression after seeing the sea stretching out at the other side of the land.

I knew about sea as knowledge, but seeing the real thing for the first time made me speechless.

It seemed that everyone was also the same.

Shannon grasped Miranda’s hand while,

「Onee-sama, the sea is a really big lake isn’t it?」

「Shannon, a sea and a lake are two different things.」

「Eh, no way! Even though I thought that a large lake is a sea!」

Eva was deeply moved. Clara was also in the same state.

「I’m also seeing this for the first time but, this is certainly amazing.」

There was no sea in Bahnseim because it was inland.

Even Eva who was constantly traveling only saw the sea for the first time.

Clara was hugging a book.

「This is more than what I read in books. Certainly I’m glad that I can see this.」

Aria turned towards me and waved her hands energetically.

「Both of you, come over here!」

Beside the greatly joyful Aria was Monica shaking her head in exasperation.

「Good grief, to be so happy just from this, everyone is still childish. But, this is a chance to bewitch chicken dickwad by wearing my specially made swimsuit type maid uniform. I’m really looking forward when we go to swim in the sea.」

She was saying something again.

I also felt that the blowing wind felt slightly different.

May sat down and looked at us in puzzlement.

「Is this sight that unusual?」

Novem was standing at a slight distance away from the excited members.

「Novem isn’t really excited huh.」

When I called to her, Novem nodded with a troubled look.

「I guess. I’m surprised and troubled of how to react.」

Come to think of it, I had no memory of seeing Novem being in high spirits.

She was giving off a strong calm impression since the past.

In contrast with such Novem, the ancestors inside the Jewel were making a ruckus.

『The sea is amazing! It’s surpassed my imagination.』

『I heard that Beim has a harbor but, it’s amazing when looking at it like this.』

『It’s bigger than Centralle. Or rather, it’s like a different world when we crossed over the mountain.』

We passed through a checkpoint located in a mountain──in a valley and arrived at Beim.

The scenery was certainly different from before.

Several small towns and villages were visible around the developed large city.

There were also fields spreading out and tranquil places.

But, the buildings were increasing and crowding close to each other the closer it was to the wall, becoming a metropolis immediately.

『This is──this city looks difficult to be conquered.』

『I can’t say if that will be easy to do if it’s me. However, even though there is no king or feudal lord here, it’s amazing that it can develop this far.』

Free city Beim was also the capital of merchants and adventurers.

There were a lot of adventurers here but, it was the merchants that were practically ruling the place.

Thinking of that, Arumsaas──the academy city that was ruled by the academy came to mind but, the atmosphere here was really different.

We finally came this far.

When I grasped the Jewel while thinking that, the ancestors talked to me.

『Now then, we’ll finally start going all-out. Lyle, are you prepared?』

The Third sounded nonchalant like usual.

『If it’s this place then there will be a lot of things we can do. And above all else, Celes’s hand also won’t reach this far.』

The Fourth told me that there was time until Celes’s hand reached here.

『Manpower, items, funds──it’s great that it seems we’ll be able to gather them. Even so, I want to try asking what did they so that this place can be this developed.』

The Fifth spoke a slightly twisted sentence, and then,

『Lyle will grow stronger here. Well, everything will begin after we enter inside and gather information but──it’s getting exciting isn’t it, Lyle.』

I felt my anxiety relaxed just for a bit hearing the Sixth’s bright voice.

『It’s also problematic to expect too much but, I guess you can’t help but to have expectations seeing this. Let’s pray that Beim is a convenient place for us. Well, if that’s not the case──we’ll only need to make it convenient for us, that’s all.』

The Seventh was surely laughing with a wicked expression. The other four were also in agreement.

Good grief, these people became reliable when it came to sinister designs.

Novem talked to me while I was silently listening to them talk.

「Lyle-sama, what’s the matter?」

「No, it’s nothing. We’ll make this place our home base and do our activity here from here on, so I got thinking for a bit.」

Novem looked at my face and nodded.

「If it’s here, Lyle-sama will be able to obtain even more power.」

I had to obtain power here, not just a simple strength, but power in various meanings.

If it was impossible then we would only change our home base right away, but let’s hold some expectations towards Beim first.

It was the place where adventurers gathered.

I heard that fame and riches could be obtained here as much as one pleased but──I wish that would really be true.

The Third said to me.

『Lyle, it’s getting fun isn’t it?』

I was exasperated at the Third who was speaking happily. Surely his face was sporting an evil expression right now.

Perhaps my feeling showed up in my face. Novem became worried.


「It’s nothing. More importantly──let’s enjoy ourselves here.」

Novem was slightly surprised at my words.

She was looking even more surprised than when seeing the sea.

It seemed that the favorite phrase of the ancestors was starting to transfer to me.

I got embarrassed and covered my mouth with my hand.

I thought that I had to be careful but──it wasn’t like I really hated it.

「I’m lying. I’ll properly take action carefully.」

「I, I see. Indeed. Let’s take action carefully!」

Novem agreed with me in a fluster, but she strangely looked happy.

Now then, we tried coming to Beim, but what would happen from here on?


──Beim’s harbor.

Sailors were working busily on the deck of a ship that was waiting to sail out.

Amidst that, there was a girl who was standing still holding an umbrella.

She had characteristic black hair and purple eyes.

The surroundings were being respectful to that girl.

「Miss──no, captain. It’ll be nice if our voyage this time will be safe too.」

The girl was called out and she turned around.

When her black hair that was tied into two sides up fluttered, it looked sparkling.

The girl smiled.

「Indeed. I pray that that’s the case.」

The rowdy sailors laughed hearing the girl’s words.

「I’m relieved with the captain here.」

「She is a goddess of fortune for us sailors after all.」

「With the captain and this ship, we’ll be able to surmount any kind of sea.」

The trusted girl──captain folded her umbrella and placed it on her shoulder. She then raised her voice.

「Something like goddess isn’t anything good though. But, I get the feeling that we’ll be alright too this time. The problem is whether we’ll be able to sell out our cargo or not.」

The vice captain who had big body folded his arms and opened his mouth widely to laugh.

「You aren’t wrong!」

The ship that was boarded by the girl and the sailors was really big.

The difference with the ships around them wasn’t just that. Among the many sailing ships, their ship was a steam boat.

There were wheel rims attached on both sides of the hull. White smoke was coming out from the long and narrow chimney that was stretching up vertically.

The ship displayed the height of Beim’s technology, but the number of such ship was very few.

The girl who was entrusted with such a precious ship wasn’t chosen to be the ship’s captain only because she was an owner of good luck by all means.

The girl’s father showed himself on the deck.

The middle aged man with swept back black hair had a toned body build.

He was dressed well in a red suit. He had the appearance of a really sharp and able person.

Because there were also harsh looking bodyguards around him, he had an atmosphere like a mafia boss.

The rowdy sailors straightened their posture towards that man.

The man said 「Continue your work」 to them and approached the girl.


「My lovely Vera, papa came to see you off.」

The man threw away his stiff and slackless air and made an expression of an idiot parent in full force.

The girl──Vera expressed her gratitude even while feeling exasperation.

「You don’t need to especially come to see me off──papa.」

The man’s name was Fidel Tres──a wealthy merchant who contended for the first or second spot even in Beim.

「What are you saying! A sea voyage is always fraught with danger. When papa thought that we might not be able to meet again, my chest will feel like it’s torn apart. To say the truth, I want you to just relax in the mansion without going away.」

Fidel was worried for his daughter. Vera spoke to reassure him.

「Is there any time that I didn’t return even once?」

「I, it’s just as you say but──」

Fidel who was widely known as a wealthy merchant was recoiling in front of his daughter.

「I’ll be able to return immediately this time. That’s why, wait for me here, papa.」

「U, umu.」

This scene would make one worried for Fidel instead even though he was the father.

「We’ll depart soon, so please get off quickly papa.」

「Vera, aren’t you being too cold? I think it’ll be alright if you are a little bit kinder to papa.」

「When I return home okay?」

Vera waved her hand. Fidel then got down from the ship with a reluctant look.

Vera walked toward the bridge with the vice captain in tow.

Suddenly she stopped walking midway and turned around.

「What’s the matter captain?」

「──No, I felt intrigued for some reason.」

Vera looked at the familiar harbor of Beim and unusually felt something in her mind.

「Is it an unsettling sign?」

The vice captain made a worried face, so Vera shook her head.

「That’s not it. Rather──it’s a good feeling. Perhaps there’ll be something good happening when we return.」

「That’s good to hear. I’m relieved.」

Vera started walking again. And then, she left Beim while harboring some kind of premonition──


The gate at Beim’s outer wall was really big.

It was so big that Damian’s Dump Car could easily enter. The construction also looked really solid.

The number of people coming and going from such huge gate was also a lot.

People, carriages, anyway the number was great.

The path that was leading until Beim was well maintained, but it was in a terrible state due to the feces of animals like horse or ox.

I also caught sight of people cleaning it up but, they simply threw it away to the side of the road.

I looked up to the Dump Car.

Clara boarded inside in order to tune her prosthetic hand, while Shannon said that she didn’t want to stay outside and went inside Dump Car together with Clara.

Damian’s Dump Car that was stuffed with a lot of baggage couldn’t be filled with too many people, so the other members were walking outside in a line.

Dump Car was gathering attention from the people around.

This would happen every time.

Porter and Dump Car were standing out no matter where we went.

I turned my gaze to the ground and the surrounding once more while,

「It’s the correct choice to put away Porter huh.」

When I said that, Novem who was standing beside me agreed.

「It will get dirty if it’s out here.」

Eva spoke out an opposing opinion.

「It should be fine even if it get slightly dirty. It’ll be better to be inside Porter rather than walking on this road.」

Due to the people’s enthusiasm and their body odor and many other things──it was really smelly here.

Nobody wanted to stay here for long.

Aria and Sophia were hiding their mouth using cloth. They used that in place of mask.

「A city’s entrance is the same everywhere but, this place is even more horrible compared to other places.」

「Isn’t it the proof that the number of people passing by here is just that many?」

This place was still outside the city so there was no problem but, I got scared thinking of the state inside the city.

I hoped that the residents of Beim were lovers of cleanliness.

The ancestors were observing this scene from inside the Jewel and commented.

『The number of people is a lot. No, perhaps it’s even too many?』

『Thinking of the scale just from this, it’s even more crowded than Centralle as we thought.』

『There is also a harbor here. It’s already like this even though there are also entrances other than this place. The inside must be amazing too.』

『Looks like we can expect much from this city.』

『This is the capital of merchants and adventurers you know? I think it also won’t be strange if the city is going to ruin.』

The Seventh’s opinion toward adventurers was strict as usual, but we would be troubled if it was too rough inside.

After all it would make us uneasy whether it would be alright to act using this place as our base from now on.

Putting that aside,

「Chicken dickwad, please enter inside the Dump Car. You will get sick if you stay in this kind of place. Now, let’s abandon these women and go inside the car together with Monica!」

Monica was annoying from some time go from being too helpful.

「I’ll be fine.」

「What carefree things you’re spouting in this kind of unsanitary place! Rather than that, the vixen over there is good with magic right? Please use magic to clean this place if you’re free.」

Novem smiled at Monica’s unreasonable demand while replying.

Though, her eyes weren’t smiling.

「Magic isn’t something that convenient.」

「How useless even though this is a fantasy world. Then, spider woman.」

The next person Monica chose to target was Miranda whose mouth was hidden with a scarf.

「I don’t want to. Besides, for someone who can use magic, just this much annoyance can be reduced greatly.」

Things like preventing sunburn, mitigating the smell, etc, if you wanted to use magic to protect yourself, then there were many ways to do it. That was what Miranda said.

Monica moved her neck and looked at Novem.

Novem said with an unruffled air.

「Yes, if you’re fine with just reducing these problems than I can do it. But it’s a different matter when it comes to cleaning up this place. ──There is no such convenient magic.」

If Novem who was a first rate magician said that, then it must be true.

I also had never heard of any such magic.

「Doing nothing but quibbling with sophism──this is why flesh and blood women are no good.」

There, May tugged at the skirt of Monica who was complaining.


「Monica, give me something to eat please.」

「You’re still going to eat!?」


It seemed May was getting bored with lining up. She was thinking of food since some time ago.

I thought that it would be bad to eat at this kind of place though.

「Let’s search for a restaurant to eat after we enter inside Beim. Endure it until then okay, May.」

May pouted in boredom when I said that.

「I’m bored~」

Novem saw May acting like that and warned her.

「May-chan, please listen properly to what Lyle-sama said.」

「Uh! ──If that’s what Novem says then I’ll listen. But, why are we queuing? How about entering from the sky?」

We wouldn’t waste time like this if we could do that.

「We will get questioned or investigated if we do that, anyway we can’t easily enter like that.」

「Human is really troublesome.」

I wanted to agree with May’s words, but let’s ask her to bear with it here.

I was slowly following the queue while thinking around what time we would be able to enter the city. Then my shoulder got poked with a finger.

When I turned around, Eva pointed at behind us with her thumb.

「We’re being glared since some time ago.」

When I looked at the direction where Eva pointed, I saw a group that consisted of only men there.

The youth at the middle of that group was the one that stood out the most.

His age was around the same as me.

The reason he stood out was because he looked like the group’s leader.

Also, he was dressed a bit peculiarly.

The great sword he carried on his back was also attention-grabbing but,

His lower body wore a trouser and boots.

Even though he was wearing armor like greaves and so on that covered the area around his waist, his upper body was only covered with a single cloth.

Even that cloth was just a tank top.

Even though his lower body was excessively protected with solid armor, his upper body was practically unprotected.

His skin was tanned and his unkempt black hair was flowing behind.

Perhaps he could be called as wild looking but──

「Are we being too noisy perhaps?」

Eva spoke to the worried me.

「Inside this line? Surely that’s not all.」

Talking voices and sometimes even boisterous voices could be heard from the surroundings.

We weren’t the only ones who were particularly noisy.

Miranda looked at the group behind. And then she seemed to notice something and spoke.

「Aa~, it’s something like that huh.」

「Eh, you understand?」

I hoped she would teach me who didn’t get it.

Inside the Jewel,

『Rather than that isn’t he dressed strangely? There isn’t anybody around him who is dressed the same, so I don’t think that it’s a fashion.』

『Why is he wearing a tanktop?』

『The balance is bad.』

『Lyle, ask him this, is that your hobby?』

『No, perhaps it’s because of his house’s rule or religious circumstances. Because that’s appearance is a bit strange if that’s not the case.』

I wished that they would tell me why they were glaring at us rather than commenting about that person’s appearance.

Aria grabbed my hand because I kept glancing behind curiously.

「Don’t mind them. They will pick a fight if you keep doing that.」

Sophia also agreed.

「Lyle-dono, please don’t look back too much.」

「But it’s weighing my mind.」

Then Novem sighed.

「Lyle-sama, there’ll be no end to it if you’re minding the jealousy of the surroundings.」


I tilted my head.

Just what would make people envy me?

Looking carefully, the group was dressed like adventurers.

Their equipment looked very shoddy but, they were nothing more but people of the same trade as us.

Monica turned an exasperated face at me who didn’t notice it.

「Chicken dickwad, you’re being served by this Monica. So it should be obvious to you that the surroundings will be jealous of you.」

「Is that so? I won’t be jealous if it’s me though.」

「Horrible! Chicken dickwad is horrible! But, I will still serve chicken dickwad to the end even if you’re like that. Because, I am the devoted and lovable automaton Monica after all!」

Her strangeness switch was turned on again. She began to do her little act so I ignored her.

May joined her hands behind her head and,

「Lyle is really slow. You’re like a different person when fighting.」

「No, because──」

Voices of dissatisfaction were also rising inside the Jewel at my attitude.

『Lyle is really slow.』

『Even though you’ll get it if you just think about it a little.』

『Even I am jealous you know? I’m envious that you can travel together with May.』

『Fifth, please shut up already. But, Lyle──you’re really slow.』

『Lyle, even Ojii-chan is getting worried.』

That’s why I’m asking what is it?

When I was about to say that, Miranda and Eva suddenly started something as though they had arranged it beforehand.

「You’re slow Lyle. It’s this kind of thing.」

「Lyle is really thickheaded.」

The two of them were making fun of me. They hugged me from both sides with a smile that was filled with implication.

「Eh, wait!」

──Then, I heard approaching footsteps from behind and turned around.

The two immediately let me go.

The one who approached in exchange of the two who let me go was the tank top man.

「You’re really showing off there. Ee?」

The youth spoke threateningly with a rough voice. In response I raised my hands to in front of my chest and showed my palms.

「I’m sorry if we’re being too noisy.」

I could hear 『Pathetic』『Beat him up』『Aim for his eyes!』 from inside the Jewel, but I wanted to settle this peacefully so I ignored them.

「I can’t feel any sincerity from you. Ee, oi?」

Behind the youth, young men around the same age were gathering while smirking.

Miranda was smiling, but she was drawing out her knife from a position that they couldn’t see.

「There is nothing that Lyle needs to apologize for. It’s these boys who were glaring at here first.」

Novem also held up her staff and took a stance that could start attacking anytime.

「──You’re telling Lyle-sama to apologize sincerely? That’s unforgivable.」

When I thought to stop the two of them, the young men suddenly began to look bashful.

They formed a circle in front of us and conversed with each other.

「The big city is different as expected. We already have a chance meeting with beauties at this kind of place.」

「Leaving the village is really the right choice.」

「If we can be successful as adventurer after this, we’ll be able to show up those guys in the village.」

──It seemed they were young men from the same place who left their village to head to Beim.

Their equipments were lacking were surely because they hadn’t even become adventurers yet.

The youth turned towards me again.

「If you want to show your sincerity, then fight me!」


When I thought what he was going to say, he suddenly started asking for a fight.

Then the Seventh muttered.

『Ah, they’re country bumpkins huh.』

More importantly, I couldn’t understand what they were thinking.

「Why should we fight?」

「That’s obvious! If I win, then those girls──」

The youth’s gaze moved toward my companions around me. Then his face reddened in embarrassment and he formed a strange smile.

「Ladies, I am Erhart Baumann. I will free all of you immediately.」

The youth──Erhart started to say something. May tilted her head.


「Eh, no──because, you know! A guy who is being surrounded by women like this is obviously a bad guy. I’ll save all of you!」

Aria and Sophia looked at each other, and then they shrugged in incomprehension.

Monica scoffed.

But, the Third spoke emotionally from inside the Jewel.

『This kid, is unexpectedly interesting.』

『Third, please don’t get hyped.』

The Third got quiet due to the Fourth’s rebuke. I then talked to Erhart.

「Err, I can’t accept your challenge.」

「Sto, stop nitpicking and draw your weapon! I’ll turn you into rust on my demon sword Gram yeah!」

Erhart tried to unsheathe the great sword on his back. But he was too slow doing it that his companions helped him.

Even the great sword that he finally unsheathed, he called it a demon sword but──it was a battered great sword that was terribly rusty.

The inside of the Jewel was noisy.

『Demon sword he said! What’s more it has an exaggerated name like Gram, and yet it’s just an inferior good! This man, it seems his specialty is making people laugh.』

The voice of the Sixth sounded like he was holding his stomach while almost bursting to laugh.

It seemed the great sword was an inferior good.

The surrounding also started to notice the commotion and people started to gather around us.

Erhart said to me amidst that.

「Come on, how about you take out your weapon, you cowardly bastard. Or perhaps, you’re going to run away in front of women?」

In the first place, I didn’t say that I accept his challenge.

「No, that’s why I’m telling you this is going to be a bother for the surrounding, so I won’t accept your challenge.」

「You bastard is really a total coward. Oi, you girls too, are you really going to follow this kind of man? Ra, rather than him, you girls can join our party instead yeah.」

The man called Erhart glared at me and then turned a bashful face toward my companions.

I got involved with a really strange person.

「Come on, fight me! And then, i──if I win, then the ladies will come with me!」

「I refuse.」

「Why!? Fight me, you cowardly bastard!」

Erhart stamped his feet in frustration.

We would stay in Beim from now on but, I got really uneasy like this.


To be continued in Sevens 9

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45 Responses to Sevens Volume 8 Epilogue

  1. darkkunz says:

    Thanks for the chap…


  2. darkkunz says:

    They’re here!! Fidel-kun ah, I want to see you so much hahaha…


  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the chapter. Now we need to wait for volume 9 to be published.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. aaaaa794 says:

    vera’s hair tied two side up? is it like a twin tail?


  5. Ayush says:

    Thanks for the chapter I hope in next volume vera and tressy(trident serpent ) came out…..


  6. Verde says:

    Ah tank “top master” is coming earlier than i expected..
    Thanks for the chapter dude…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone have any idea when vol 9 is releasing?


  8. Anonymous says:

    Thank you you hard work!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Rain says:

    Thanks for the chapter.


  10. lar says:

    Thx for the chapter BP-sama~
    And now our watch begins. It shall not end until the next volume.


  11. Highest emperor says:

    Thanks for the chapter


  12. Emiya_85 says:

    Oh so we got vera, fidel-kun and erhart at epiloge, to bad that no chapter beyond this, but thx for the chapter BP

    Liked by 1 person

  13. nubEX says:

    Ahhhhhh, victim no. 1-san and victim no. 2-san, pleasure making your acquaintances lolololololololol

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Anonymous Guy says:

    Thanks for the chapter


  15. Kenneth says:

    Oh god now the wait begins


  16. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the chapters


  17. LOL Erharth is even more childish than in the wn XD. Fidel was a doting parent as well in the wn but is even worse in the ln? At least finally start the best arcs with this i just hope the author didnt do to many changes this arcs were pretty good already even in the wn.


  18. fogg says:

    Thanks for the chapter! And oh boy.. the colorful characters are all lined up here!


  19. kuroXNeko says:

    finally my best girl next too shannon is here wallet chan its just me for because i read the WN but the introduction of lyle soon to be wives(wn spoilers) was too fast?
    my guess the author will introduce lyle unnamed wives in the WN because in WN(spoilers) according to the historians emperor lyle have 25 wives


  20. kuroXNeko says:

    finally my best girl next too shannon is here wallet chan its just me for because i read the WN but the introduction of lyle soon to be wives(wn spoilers) was too fast?
    my guess the author will introduce lyle unnamed wives in the WN because in WN(spoilers) according to the historians emperor lyle have 25 wives


  21. keikaros says:

    So that is Erhart huh. Lots of potential. Rip


  22. Anonymous says:

    My best grill is here!!! Vera !!! ❤
    Can't wait for the funniest father-in-law Fidel Lmao


  23. Deep Chakraborty says:

    Tressy is cometh in the next volume with Mr. Lyle….can’t wait for the next volume….any idea when will Volume 9 release?


  24. exd890 says:

    I expected Erhart to show up soon but not Vera which was surprising the least.

    If I remember correctly Eva also showed up much earlier in the LN than the WN


  25. Ash says:

    BP, do you have any plans to translate another novel beside Bahamut?

    Kudos for the translation.


  26. aaaaa794 says:

    whats your schedule at the moment baka-san


  27. Kitsune says:

    just finished binging this. thank you for your hard work.


  28. ZOXS5000 says:

    Any news about v9 ?


  29. Chico says:

    Lyle poderia tentar manipular ele com sua art 👍


  30. Anonymous says:

    Any news on v9 yet?


  31. palmface99 says:

    Thank you very much for your hard work. Gladly finished the 8 volumes. Any news about when the translations of volume 9 will be out? Or should i just follow the web novel version if just want to continue reading the story ?


  32. Thresh says:

    Just binged this. A great read over the holiday break! Thanks for your hard work!


  33. ChaseRaph says:

    Next volume has been announced for the 30th, that’s almost the same day as the next volume of mobsekai. Hope volume 10 comes a bit faster than a year. Thanks for all the hard work BP!


  34. Behrmann says:

    Will he start using his catchphrase from the Web novel?
    Didn’t he, after getting “motivated” say “Let’s have some fun” or something?
    I am sad he never said that so far


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