Bahamut vol 8 Finished

Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Vol 8 Epilogue

Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Vol 8 Afterword

When I’m choosing support, should I choose the one with CE of friend point +75, or the one with bond point+50?

PS: Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Vol 9 Prologue

Pretty short prologue, so I managed to finish it right away.

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20 Responses to Bahamut vol 8 Finished

  1. happinezz001 says:

    dunno i prefer a support that would give me more friend point so that i could roll more essense for crafting

    Liked by 1 person

    • Zinos says:

      You get experience CE’s from events. Also Friend Points aren’t meant to be used all the time. You keep hoarding them and when events come by you spend them to get 3* CE that boost drops. Only whales roll on every rate-up and get all drop CE’s. Event farming will be easier like that. Bond CE’s are the best because you get quartz from them. Even the smallest bit helps.


  2. @naruto says:

    Thanks for the chapter!!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    Another volume done! Thanks as always for your hard work!


  4. Siperioz says:

    Thanks Baka-sensei!


  5. Ash says:

    Thank you very much. 🙂


  6. KozuKy says:

    Thanks alot for the volume 😀

    I’ll go for FP instead unless you really need the quartz so bad from bond level or getting Herc bond CE.


  7. Siperioz says:

    What game are baka-sensei playing exactly? looks interesting to me


  8. An Auspicious Acorn says:

    Typically bond points are more valuable as Friend Points is reeeeeally easy to obtain whereas Bond takes a while to max out. When a Servant’s bond is maxed you get a special CE that is level 80 + limit broken and only works for that specific servant. Honestly in the end it’s what you need more. You can get more FP to make CE bombs or get some servants or get more bond for a special CE.


  9. Dennis says:

    Friend Points BP-sensei. 50 bond points is just a drop in the bucket now. Later, there will be a 5-star CE on the same lines as the Mona Lisa CE now (5k Mana Prisms) which, when fully ascended will raise all your earned bond points by 10%. You can use that in tandem with your farming groups on ordinary days.


  10. Zinos says:

    Yes it’s complete. Thank you man. As for the CE pick only Bond and use your own bond CE on the backline members. This CE and Lunchtime are mandatory. More bond points means more quartz/apples. It’s worth it. Off to read now.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Jason_Wander says:

    If you equip the FP craft essence to one of your backline servants in the party you can get the FP from their support and choose the Bond Ce


  12. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the chapter


  13. krambharos95 says:

    Thanks alot for the volume


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