Otomege vol 5 ch 2 finished

Otomege Volume 5 Chapter 2 (4575 words) wordpress link

I love small chapter. It’s easier to motivate myself by saying ‘just 2000 more words’ compared to saying ‘come on, there are still 15000 more words’.

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23 Responses to Otomege vol 5 ch 2 finished

  1. IsekaiMobCharacter says:

    hahahha……Thanks for the chapter BP-sama…..your thebest….


    • IsekaiMobCharacter says:

      I’m glad that you said this chapter is “small chapter”….but should i remind you that’s quite long for a normal translator…..


  2. Malda says:

    OMG BP-sama 😱😱😱

    So fast…


  3. Deep Chakraborty says:

    Man BP is insane as always!!! Thanks for the chapter!!!


  4. nabil7797 says:

    Speedy pervert
    Thanks 🙏🙇


  5. Malda says:

    after reading Chapter 2, I updated the website repeated and I wish there was a similar miracle, but nothing happened 🤣🤣🤣


  6. Noble White says:

    this is crazy hahahaha damn so fast!!!!!!!!


  7. Trashie says:

    You better hide the money probably this time, Marie. Why don’t you lock the door in your room. That’s a lot of cash though.


  8. liliaixalia says:

    BP-sama, your translation speed is crazy as always


  9. GOOGSE says:

    madlad is at it again


  10. Wkwkwk… this site and BP-sama is really something. 2 chapters in just one day, more than I had expected. Thanks BP-sama.


  11. nakakure says:

    Is that mean chapter 3 is around 15000 lol😅


  12. I’m a spanish translator and you scare me


  13. Deja\'u says:

    Wow.. you really on fire bakapervert! Well done,, 2 chapters on the same day..
    Thanks for the new chapter!


    Note: for u who love mecha game..
    Daemon x Machina is show up on steam,, and only 15$ on Indonesia..


  14. Rai says:

    You can always break it down into parts!


  15. Reika says:

    Wow this is so amazingly fast…..!!!!
    Thank you very much for yourd hard work…!!!!
    I love you very much….!!!!


  16. Anonymous says:

    The legend says that the priestess chooses the guardian, but Leon got his crest before Noelle did. Does that mean we can rule out Noelle’s desires as the catalyst for Leon becoming guardian? It seems her desires only affected her receiving the priestess crest, right?


    • chunling says:

      It was pretty clear (to Marie, at least) that Noelle had feelings for Leon before he got the crest. Noelle had also been in custody of the sapling before that (while watching Leon beat up Pierre, even), so her feelings might well have been conveyed.

      However, it does seem like her acquisition of the crest needed more than that. It’s interesting because the key point at which both of them received the crest was when they were expressing their commitment to protect the sapling. For Leon the key quote is 「You don’t need to worry if it’s about this thing. It’s placed inside a special case, so it won’t wither for now──e-eh?」 For Noelle it’s 「E-err, it’s because I forgot to move this child to a bright place.」

      Clearly it should matter that they have feelings for each other, as well as that they are sincere in their desire to protect the sapling. It’s probably not the actual words that matter to the sapling so much as their feelings. But from the sapling’s perspective, their commitment to protect the sapling is more important than their feelings towards each other. I suspect that “able to get along well enough to not end up wanting to murder each other” is all the sapling really needs as far as their feelings towards each other are concerned.

      Albergue ended up failing that test in actual fact, which is why the sacred tree rejected him becoming the Guardian.


  17. Meltrylis says:

    Thanks for the chapter!!


  18. TD says:

    Thanks for the twofer.


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