HxH vol 12 complete

HxH Vol 12 Chapter 5

HxH Vol 12 Afterword

I’ll continue Bahamut now.


Regarding FGO, after spending about 250$, I think it’s safe to say that this idiot has learned his lesson. Yep, it’s not a waste of money, not at all. It give me a valuable lesson that I will use for my whole life, never gamble on 0,5% chance, no matter how many try you got. And it also give a warning to other people not to waste their money too. Thinking about that, I was using my money for a good and wholesome cause, really! 250$ is nothing at all, yeah imagine all the other useless thing I would use that money on instead if I didn’t use it for this, like LN, doujinshi, unhealthy delicious food, etc, etc. Hics, yeah, hics, it’s not a waste at all, my 250$!!!

Anyway, this idiot is a changed man, no more wasting money. I’m returning to being a filthy free player.

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20 Responses to HxH vol 12 complete

  1. nabil7797 says:

    Someone SEND help or we will witness a baka meltdown


  2. nabil7797 says:

    Thanks for the Volume tho :3
    I wish you forget about what happened

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kurotian says:

    Really fast!!
    Thanks for translation.
    I quess we will mostly catch to bahamut current volumes before the year end at this pace.


  4. erojiji says:

    i have alturia ssr by 1 summon ticket,obviously pure luck 2ssr in 3 month playing us version.and many 4star /sr. btw im ftp


  5. primo23 says:

    Someone really need to console this guy! We might not see this fast paced release of volumes ………
    On another note
    Thanks for the vol ~


  6. happinezz001 says:

    i don’t particularly think that being a free player is filthy though


    • loshi1505 says:

      agreed, in fact not playing pay to win games in the first place is what the mentally healthy human population does.

      so yea, play more games without micro transactions, or insane amounts of DLC. 😉


  7. KozuKy says:

    and then Shishou appears……

    btw here’s my friend code if you still have space 979480101 :3


  8. Shiro Kuro says:

    Thanks for the translation.

    Being a free player is the best.
    Playing while having fun is the best without wasting money


  9. Zinos says:

    Yes the volume is finally complete. As for FGO I’d say buy a 140 Quartz pack to use for the guaranteed gacha(New Years and the summer one) and that’s it. At least you know you will get a 5*. Random but still.


  10. One week after “Shiki take my money”


  11. soujiro0 says:

    Best to be a free player, eventually the .0001% rng winner will come out one after another for us not blessed with A Rank Luck as long as you’re patient enough. Yes, eventually it’ll come. *deadfish eyes looking to the distance*

    Liked by 1 person

  12. AcursioXD says:

    Why don’t you use that at new year guaranteed ssr? If it’s gonna come to NA server that is

    -Filthy free player at JP-


  13. Vision says:

    So what exactly is going on with Vol 3 of Bahamut?


  14. Acedia-chan says:

    Hey bakapervert can you use the poster girl ce on your saber


  15. tamachii says:

    Thats the reason you don’t play gatcha hell traps like FGO, They don’t have guaranteed rolls…


  16. windrunnerex says:

    somehow i was waiting for you to complain about the gacha but for 250 dollars, rip for those . Well i only ever gem when the benefits super weigh or downwrite helpful , and even then in small amounts but well what can i say here, cheer up and just be a free player .


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