Arifureta 289 finished

Arifureta Chapter 289

What should I do with the craft essence from events? Should I combine them into one right away? Or should I save them in case the event is repeated?

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20 Responses to Arifureta 289 finished

  1. nabil7797 says:

    Thanks for the chapter :v
    But any news for fanfic 😥 ?


  2. KozuKy says:

    i just stored mine on second archive.


  3. Zinos says:

    Any news on Volume 3 of Bahamut? Should I skip the missing chapters if I saw the anime?
    Also keep the CE in storage. All events have re-runs. I didn’t have much luck with the CE drops so I just leave them as is. No combining.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Blinder662 says:

    I think it will not hurt to leave them be for awhile in case they’ll repeat the event. Don’t forget that you have second archive for this purpose.


  5. venushkafdo says:

    thx for the chapter


  6. primo23 says:

    If u can LB them do it
    Next time the event reruns it will be +2 if lb’ed

    Thanks for the chap ~


  7. Muhaha says:

    Unless u can max them, just dump them in second archive if u not using them


  8. chad001 says:

    Depends on the CE, some are really good when MLBed (Halloween Princess), while some… aren’t (Maid in Halloween)

    But as a general thing? Keep the 5*s and premium CEs for reruns.


  9. Mana says:

    If you are talking about the recent christmas event, you may merge the ce together as it was a event that was rerun and a new ce may come out this year.


  10. PaulNamida says:

    Only combine if you can Max Limit Break (5 copies), if not just keep them, we’ll get a re-run of the event in a year, it’ll last only one week though (we still get a new yearly event that lasts 2 weeks, so next year we’ll have double the events)


  11. Seikou says:

    About the re-runs, I don’t sure if NA ver has them. Just in case, you should keep them, we even get the CE storage though.
    Anyway, thanks for the chapter and hard works BP.


  12. GhostOfAWolf says:

    Most of the event CEs are worth merging just to have the stronger effect, if you can max limit break it, and the bonus effects get boosted a little too. Only one that is not worth merging I believe is the upcoming Holy Night Sign, unless you want the extra quick up and crit damage boost. It’ll be better for farming overall to keep those unmerged, since if you merge it’ll only boost the chance for an additional drop from 20% to 40%.

    Generally though, you should be able to get all the CEs back again on the rerun and get things done faster, so merging is fine unless you worry that you won’t be able to get enough event drops for trading in.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Anonymous says:

    Imo the Guda-O CE, which buffed gains on the higher currncy in gudaguda event, can be quite strong enough on some characters, so if you have 5 MLB them, and if not, at least level one to 20.


  14. TheFear says:

    I want to know if somebody has a extra pictures (like the manga extras pics) of Otonashi Kaguya.
    Pd: sorry for my bad english.


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