Orc Harem v3c19

Orc Harem Vol 3 Chapter 19 (3709 words) wordpress

When I reached the backstory of Beni-Enma this morning, like the stupid sucker I am, I immediately bought more quartz to roll again for her even though I swore that I had given up on her already yesterday. Luckily I managed to get her on my first roll, gahahaha!!

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10 Responses to Orc Harem v3c19

  1. ChaseRaph says:

    Congrats, in the end the wallet prevails! I’ll probably avoid servants that will be coming back in the near future since the rates are getting better soon.


  2. Calonderial says:

    Lol yeah I haven’t knocked out sin yet so I can’t run new events. So going to rush it the next few days so I’ll can have a week with beni event.


    • AKA says:

      U better make sure u hv enough time. The event is completely point-gated & points are given to u on a daily basis. So u need a minimum of 3 days to get to the end.of the event.


  3. AKA says:

    Congrats on Beni Baka. I rolled a few times and was super excited tat a gold saber card appeared……only for it D’Eon. I didnt really spent tat many SQ on it but it was really a super frustrating moment.


  4. Gangsar Satrio says:

    Congrats, but becarefull, there is old man li in a few weeks


  5. Beluga says:

    Congratulations Baka-sama, tbh I also find enjoyment in reading your description regarding your FGO experience.


  6. I can understand that feeling to well, in jp was more or less similar.


  7. Baranok says:

    and thus, all your gacha luck is used up for 2021.


  8. Anonymous says:

    congrats for getting it baka san


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